2 Sundays ago...a great article on Obama and Kennedy. This photo is from the article

Some worthwhile exceprts:
"But Obama has also demonstrated, not for the first time, two things about his emerging governing style that contrast sharply with that of his predecessor...The second is that he doesn’t seem especially bothered by the perception that he’s dithering. Bush often seemed to measure leadership by the number of seconds it took to make a decision. Obama displays a different kind of spine — the capacity to take his time, even when allies and critics are pounding at the door."
"...Obama is a leader who instinctively seeks the center lane of American politics. And in this way, more than any other, Obama is very much like the John Kennedy who emerges in historical accounts today, a self-confident president who governed at a time of heightened insecurity and proved himself insufficiently doctrinaire for both bellicose cold warriors and the new generation of liberals who considered him their own..."
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