Monday, April 28, 2008

Passover Seder and Backpacking Trip.

Seder Plate. Saturday night.

The hagadah. I read outloud when it was my turn. I sounded like a 12 year old with my level of Hebrew.

We started our hike the morning after the seder. This is where we put on sunblock and got ready

The second morning. Bright and cheery-eyed!

That afternoon. In a gas station. A bit less bright and cheery eyed.

Awesome 200+ year old Olive trees above the Arab village of Deir Hanna.

Beautiful purple flowers in a field.

A turtle. With cute, stubby legs.

Next post, soon to come: Day trip to Bethlehem.

1 comment:

  1. mosahv B&B with jacuzzi?

    way to rough it guys!
